
Course Dependecy Graph

Visualization of the prerequisite dependencies between McMaster University courses. Text descriptions were scraped from the official website and parsed into a tree modelling the logical dependencies between courses. On the browser end, these trees are recursively merged into a graph to visualize the full dependence structure starting from prerequisite-free courses.

Image Contrast Enhancement

Implemetation of "A Linear Programming Approach for Optimal Contrast Tone Mapping" in MATLAB. Enhances the contrast of color images under poor lighting using a contrast mapping technique defined by linear programming constraints.

Automated Collection Rover

A rover which detects recyclable cans using computer vision and collects them to a disposal area. Created a UI to label bounding boxes for objects as training data. Trained a Faster R-CNN ResNet101 to detect the objects. Raspberry Pi rover camera wirelessly transmits images to a remote server, which detects objects using the CNN and sends back locations for the rover to go to. Final year capstone project, completed in a group of 4.